The main objective of our project is to raise awareness about the year 1989 and the early after-revolutionary years, and to celebrate 30 years of democracy in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland. According to our experience, older generations often think of communist regime in positive connotations, while younger generation have low knowledge of 1989 and its importance. Therefor our project will consists of recording and processing of 30 testimonies of the witnesses in the participating countries (10 per country), which will become part of our online archive The Memory of Nations ( The testimonies will be promoted by project partners via media work, social networks et cetera. We want to encourage a debate and reflection among the inhabitants of the involved countries upon the collected testimonies and materials about the year 1989. In each country we will also organise per 10 educational experience-based workshops on primary and/or high schools. The workshops are directly based on the collected testimonies. What has been done: we have received grant from the EC/Europe for Citizens program to prepare (in a cooperation with CZ/PL/HU partners) exhibition ’89 – 30 Years After the Fall of Iron Curtain, which is currently in preparation stage. The exhibition will be enriched with the testimonies about the revolutionary year 1989 collected within this Visegrad project and we will also interconnect it with the educational workshops (we will encourage participating primary and high schools to visit the exhibition, which will have no entry fees).
Post Bellum o.p.s, Czech republic
Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europea, Poland
1/ KICK-OFF project meeting with partners
30.09.2019, Pražská 11, Bratislava
2/ RECORDING OF TESTIMONIES (10 stories per each country)
The interactive workshops are based on drama principle and on the collected memories of the witnesses of the events of year 1989.
Our education activities lead to increased awareness of children and young people about the events of year 1989 and the previous period of totalitarian regime, as well as to increasing their respect and recognition of the modern European values such as tolerance, democracy or equality.
09.03.2020, 10.03.2020, 11.03.2020, 11.06.2020, 15.06.2020, 23.06.2020 {2 workshops), 24.06.2020, 25.06.2020, 24.09.2020
Bratislava, Pezinok, Banská Bystrica, Nitra, Michalovce, Bystré, Veľké Ripňany, Šintava, Dolný Pial, Brestovany
06.03.2020, 09.03.2020, 03.09.2020 (2 workshops), 14.09.2020 (2 workshops), 15.09.2020, 17.09.2020 (2 workshops), 19.09.2020, 21.09.2020, 23.09.2020
Prague, Ústěk, Kralupy nad Vltavou, České Budejovice, Kladno, Líbušín, Židlochovice, Rakovník, Sedlčany
9 of 10 workshops in Poland were made online, Wroclaw
06.03.2020, 13.03.2020, 25.05.2020 (2 workshops), 27.05.2020 (2 workshops), 28.05.2020 (2 workshops), 29.05.2020 (2 workshops)